

Tae Kim's Japanese guide to Japanese grammar http://www.guidetojapanese.org/ Welcome to TJP! | Learn Japanese online for Free -- Language, Culture, Kanji, and Grammar http://www.thejapanesepage.com/

Feel better! Get well soon! It's so interesting diary!! I like it!! I don't know if I make sense there. Thank you for adding me! if you have any questions about ****, please ask. Yes, lets study and learn each others language together! Tha…

まごプログレッシブ:Part2〜Scenes From A Memory〜 絵本風ストライクウィッチーズ(+関連ネタ) http://danceofeternity.blog76.fc2.com/blog-entry-1306.html これは良いわ! 何度見ても笑えるAA大図鑑:VIPPERな俺 http://news23vip.blog109.fc2.com/b…

ホットスポットをPC/携帯から地図で探せるサービス :教えて君.net http://www.oshiete-kun.net/archives/2008/10/pc_6.html いつか使いたい 定番サイトの高画質版「Pandora.TV HD」で動画を探しゲット :教えて君.net http://www.oshiete-kun.net/archives/20…